When people see my dog they say "Whoa, that's a BIG dog! Does he eat a lot? Is he full grown? What's he weigh? You could ride that thing! and then there's always that reference to his, hmmmm how do I state this tastefully. . . his bowel movements.
The answers are as follows:
Yes, he is. Not so much - 4 cups a day. Yes, he's full grown. About 180lbs. No I can't, and . . . they are as big as any adults.
He's a rescue. We found each other one sunny fall day in 2003.
It had been 2 years since the death of my little boxer girl. The need to have a dog again was getting stronger. Just a mid sized dog, to join me on my walks. I'd been praying for the dog that the Lord would want me to have.
I had some time to kill.
I pulled into the Everett Animal Shelter. It was in the first row, first kennel, that I caught sight of this whimpering spotty blur. I went over for a closer look and was amazed at what I found there. His name then, was Toby. He was a stinky, overweight, mess. His right eye looked slightly infected. Overgrown claws, made it difficult for him to walk.
I know nothing about Great Danes. There was just something about him that intrigued me.
I asked to take him to the outdoor exercise pen to check him over and see why someone would get rid of this sweet gentle guy. The door opened and he lunged out taking me with him.
Powerful fella, too.
Reminding myself, I came for a mid sized dog - I continued browsing through the rest of the cages. A young mom with her toddler son, also seemed interested in Toby and as I was on my way out I noticed her at the desk filling out papers. "Are you adopting the Dane?" Turns out, she'd always wanted another one, her first had been stolen during her childhood. "He's going to make you a good pet," I confirmed " he's got such a sweet personality." She hoped he would get along with her other 2 Boston Terriers.
This voice inside me kept prompting me to give her my phone number. I tried to over-ride the voice with my own thinking "She's not going to give that dog up." and I walked away. The prompting was insistent. I gave in, walked back to the desk, gave her my card and asked her to call me if he didn't work out in their family.
Seven days later, he became my dog.
First order of business - a bath.
Next - a new name.
You shall be called, Jupiter - b'cuz you're big and spotty like the planet.
Appropriately Jupiter and not Pluto! I love the picture at the top. Wow! He must have been barreling at you full-speed ahead!
*Thumbs Up* Good start to a blogging habit, you is bookmarked!!
Your sis who couldn't remember her google password so is 'nomomous
Jupiter loves the snow. Somehow it changes everything about his world and he has to discover it all over again.
I called him to come to me so we could go home and he came running.
Such a good boy!
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