Jupiter's and my usual walk schedule was interrupted by the advent of the coming holidays. All I could get in where short jaunts, before I had to get back to the additional holiday decorating and my volunteering assignments, along with my pet sitting jobs and Massage Practice.
It was December 27th 2006. Icy cold and sunny outside. My human walking partner, Brenda and I had decided to walk more than our usual 3 miles making the distance a 5 mile walk giving Jupiter what I hoped would be a-wearin'-out.
We were deep in conversation at about the 2 1/2 mile mark- my first mistake.
I was paying no attention to Jupiter as he walked beside me on his 4 ft lead coiled in my left hand - my second mistake.
Suprise! Out jumped a rabbit up ahead and to my right, my reaction time stunted by my lack of awareness - my third mistake.
Jupiter took chase crossing over in front of me. The coiled lead shortened tightly around my hand and fingers the lead came to a end jerking Jupiter back and snap!
The pain was intense, but I had to get my dog back under control. I couldn't close my hand around the lead which gave Jupiter the advantage to continue his chase. Never having had a broken bone, I assumed it was a sprained finger. I wanted to cry but I needed all my energy to walk back to the car another 2 1/2 miles. I found a fast flowing creek and dunked my whole hand into the icy water, hoping to stop the swelling. Jupiter came back spent, from his chase, and my friend Brenda was asking me if I was okay?
No. I was in a great deal of pain.
We made it back to our cars, I got Jupe back home and got myself on ice. Two days later, I went to the doctor. Something I rarely do - I have to be on the brink of death or just going for routine exams before I make appointments.
My middle finger was diagnosed as a severe sprain, splinted and wrapped with orders to ice every twenty minutes and rest my hand. That meant no walking Jupiter and no massaging for atleast a week. After a month, it hadn't gotten any less painful, Jupiter smacked it with his wagging tail. Shocking pain jolted me to my knees, tears sprung to my eyes. I thought I might pass out.
Another Dr appointment, this time with a hand specialist. While waiting for the Dr to come look at my x-rays, I opened the folder and put it up to the light. Oooooooo. I broke it alright. My finger looked like a lighting bolt and been tattooed on the bone. Diagnosis: Triple spiral break of the 2nd carpal bone. The doc was incredulous that I was still giving massages. Well, I said, when you are responsible for your livelihood, you do what you gotta do.
I left with a specialized finger splint and new orders to keep it on at all times, except when hand washing or showering, for 6 weeks. If it doesn't heal well, there may have to be a surgery to repair my finger.
After two years my crooked middle finger is a reminder to stay vigilant when walking my dog. My preferred leash for dog walks is just a handle. His physical strength out powers me, so I need the leverage it provides as well as as the proximity of his body close beside me to avoid injury to myself.
What did Jupiter surmise from the out come of the that day? He showed me he is strong
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